Author: Biz India

Take Advantage of the Rise in Gold, Hard Assets As U.S. Fed Prints More Paper Dollars!

By Tom Essaye Wednesday, September 19, 2012 By now you’re probably aware of the Federal Reserve Bank’s surprising and aggressive announcement last Thursday: Unlimited accommodation until the jobs market improves. This was clearly bullish for stocks, as a big rally occurred after the announcement. Additionally, the U.S. dollar index was predictably weak, falling to yet another new low. The U.S. dollar is trending lower because the Fed is aggressively easing monetary policy and will continue to do so. But this brings up an interesting and potentially dangerous problem for the global economy … As surprising as it may be,...

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Greece’s Economy Will Be 25% Smaller By 2014, Says Its Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras

ATHENS: Greece’s economy, with a gross domestic product of U.S. $299 billion in 2011  will have contracted by 25 percent by the time the recession ends, Yannis Stournaras, its finance minister said Tuesday, as the government remained locked in talks with rescue lenders for its next major austerity program. Mr. Stournaras made the remarks at a Greek-Chinese business forum, before senior officials from his ministry resumed negotiations with inspectors from the European Union, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, known as the “troika.” “The cumulative reduction of  the gross domestic product of Greee  since 2008 is just...

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Insanity at the Fed! Bernanke to Print $480 Billion!

  By Mike Larson – Money and Markets Fed chief Ben Bernanke has just proven what many have suspected all along is indeed true: The U.S. Federal Reserve is patently INSANE! In reporting on the FOMC meetings, “Helicopter Ben” announced that the Fed is going to do the same old thing and expect better results: It’s going to hold interest rates near zero as far as the eye can see … And it’s going to print $40 billion new dollars per month in an attempt to stimulate the economy — $480 billion per year! In short, it’s doing the...

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Book Review: Breaking into the Lab: Engineering Progress for Women in Science

Author: Sue V. Rosser Publisher:New YorkUniversityPress Book Review by: Paiso Jamakar This book explores the issues faced by women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Data for this book was gathered from studies, including responses to questions and interviews of women scientists. This book also records the personal observations and experiences of the author Sue V. Rosser who began her undergraduate education in science more than 40 years ago from 2012, the year this book was published. Some of the issues faced by women in the field of science include: Gaining credibility and respectability from...

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Book Review: Killing McVeigh: The Death Penalty and the Myth of Closure

Author: Jody Lynee Madeira Publisher:New YorkUniversityPress Book Review by: Paiso Jamakar Most stories of terror attacks – both short ones in newspapers and longer versions in books – contain a lot of details answering questions relating to the who, what, when, where and how of events, but not enough on the why. It’s only the answer to the why that makes sense to the reader and does not leave him wanting. Moreover, it is only with the detailed and well-understood answers to the question of why terrorists committed their deadly acts can we, and particularly our governments, take preventive...

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