Author: Diethelm Wallheiner

Publisher: Thieme

Book Review by: Nano Khilnani

This massive (12” x 11’’) book of 654 pages that is an inch-and-a-half thick and weighing about seven and a half pounds, covers gynecologic surgery more comprehensively than probably any other book out there in the medical books market. It is extensive in scope and intensive in detail.

This book stands out from others in one respect: its art. The fine lines in the drawings show anatomical exactness, with precise and minute details. And the mostly back-and-white-with-shades-of-gray sketches presented throughout the volume, display three-dimensional anatomy that would not be possible through photography. The book has 1,138 illustrations – an enormous learning benefit to students and practitioners!

This 4th edition of a major book for more than 50 years – that has become one of the world’s most important and valuable ones in gynecology – is an undertaking of a lot of people: two chief co-editors – Diethelm Wallwiener and Sven Becker, six other editors, and 23 contributors in all, including the editors.

The first edition of this book was published more than half a century ago in 1960. Its original mission to present gynecologic surgical procedures in accurate detail has been retained with this current edition. About 500 new drawings have been added to this new edition to provide enhanced value to readers.

The coverage of subjects and topics in this book is, as we wrote earlier extensive, and that is not only in terms of related body parts, but also the surgical preparations, precautions, instruments, and processes.

To give you a brief overview of the contents of this huge book, below is a list of its eight main sections, and the topics within each section

  • I: General Part – Pre- and Post-Operative Treatment, Instruments, Sutures and Drains, Positioning,
  • II: Complications and their Management  – Bleeding Complications, Inflammatory Complications, Injury to the Urinary Organs, Gastrointestinal Tract Injury, Wound Dehiscence and Hernia
  • III: Abdominal Wall – Laparotomy, Laparoscopy,
  • IV: Adnexa – Preliminary Remarks about the Region, Concepts for Surgical Treatment – Procedure Navigator, Surgical Techniques,
  • V: Uterus – Preliminary Remarks about the Region, Concepts for Surgical Treatment – Procedure Navigator, Surgical Techniques,
  • V:Vulva and Vagina – Preliminary Remarks about the Region, Concepts for Surgical Treatment  – Procedure Navigator, Surgical Techniques,
  • VII: Pelvic Floor – Preliminary Remarks about the Region, Concepts for Surgical Treatment – Procedure Navigator, Surgical Techniques,
  • VIII: Gynecologic Oncology, Urogynecology, Proctogynecology, New Surgical Techniques – Exenterations, Gynecology-Urology-Proctology, New Techniques

One of the most important and valuable features of this book is that it provides surgical steps right next to the drawings, showing patient ahead of time what to expect before (and after) the operation. This establishes a comfort level and eliminates (or at least reduces) fear in the patient, student, intern or resident.

In a last word, this book is extraordinary. The medical and surgical specialists listed below are to be congratulated for an excellent job.


Co-Editors-in- Chief:

Diethelm Wallweiner, MD is Professor and Director in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Clinic Tubingen in Tubingen, Germany

Sven Becker, MD is Professor and Director in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at University Hospital Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany



Matthias W. Beckman, MD is Professor and Director in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Clinic Erlangen in Erlangen, Germany

Sara Y. Brucker, MD is affiliated with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Clinic Tubingen in Tubingen, Germany.

Klaus Friese, MD is Professor and Director in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Clinic in Munich, Germany.

Keith B. Isaacson, MD is Medical Director of the Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery Unit at Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Newton, Massachusetts, United States.

Walter Jonat, MD is Professor and Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Clinic in Kiel, Germany

Arnaud Wattiez, MD is Professor and Gynecological Director at IRCAD / ETTS Institut de Recherché contre les cancers de l’Appareil Digestif in Strasbourg, France