Author: Biz India

Book Review: Comparing Groups: Randomization and Bootstrap Methods

Authors: Andrew S. Zieffler, Jeffrey R. Harring and Jeffrey D. Long Publisher: Wiley  –  298 pages Book Review by:  Paiso Jamakar In many newspaper reports, television broadcasts, and even in U.S. Census Bureau data found on the Internet, we come to know of comparisons among groups of different people, differentiated by ethnic origin, education, income or other factors For example, we know generally that white households have higher incomes than African-American households, and have higher levels of education. But probably did not know that Asian Americans rank higher than whites in these two criteria of household income and educational attainment, as data compiled in the U.S. Census of 2000 shows. This book is about the different ways of comparing groups of people. It is meant primarily for researchers and statisticians, but there is no reason why you, likely not involved in statistics, research or any allied area, cannot get practical benefit from reading it. This book helps you understand how researchers gather data about different groups of people and how they derive conclusions about those groups from the data. George W. Cobb, who wrote the Foreword for this book, describes it as “a product of years of careful study and deep thought by its authors, who are practicing statisticians, education researchers and root-deep innovators.” Prior to reading this valuable book, I feel it is critical for you to know...

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Book Review: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Economics

Author: Tom Gorman Publisher: Alpha, a member of the Penguin Group (USA). 414 pages Book Review by Ramu Nakliba There is so much covered in this hefty book of 414 pages that it is truly a delight to find a huge amount of information and unique insight that only Tom Gorman can provide. There is constant talk of news and information glut these days. I add that there is also dearth of insight. To give you an example, when the 9-11 terrorist attack occurred, we were constantly barraged with the who, what, when, where and how. But our thirst for the all-important question of “Why?” was not adequately quenched. The first journalist to help us understand and make some sense of the reason theUnited Stateswas attacked was Fareed Zakaria with his front-page story in Newsweek, “Why They Hate Us.” When you read this sentence on the cover “Understand the forces behind the ups and downs of our economy” it is a refreshing offer that the book promises to provide insight, not just information. And Tom does deliver on that promise as you go through the voluminous book of 23 chapters. When most people think of the word “economics” they think of numbers, charts, tables, and long, analytical explanations of all the data prevented. But Tom Gorman explains economics in very simple terms: Basically the way I understand it is...

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Book Review: The Sigfluence Generation – Our Young People Potential to Transform America

Author: John F. Loase Publisher: Eloquent Books, New York, New York A Brief Book Review by Ramu Nakliba The Sigfluence Generation is a refreshingly wonderful book by someone who holds the distinction of being the only person who completed a doctorate in mathematics and psychology awarded byColumbiaUniversityTeachers College. Most readers will probably conclude that ‘sigfluence’, a word coined by the author, means ‘significant influence.’ That is true. Expanded, it is defined by Loase as “significant, long-term, positive influence.” Loase wrote this book based on two decades of research on sigfluence, as well as data obtained from a three-year-long study...

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Book Review: Think Business! Medical Practice Quality, Efficiency, Profits

Author: Owen J. Dahl, MBA Publisher: Greenbranch Publishing – 210 pages Book Review by: Nano Khilnani This book is essentially about helping you, the doctor, become a better business man or woman, and in the process, empowering you to become a more successful care provider with happier patients who stay with you for a long time, even an entire lifetime. It has 12 chapters focusing on as many key business aspects of your practice, namely: business organization and purpose; planning; quality; human resources; process, systems and efficiency; marketing; financial management; compliance; knowledge management and decision-making; change management; case studies on operational, strategic and big change; and the future of your business. This book is short and compact, and provides a focused approach to achieving what the title states: a quality practice that results in satisfied patients, that is also efficient and profitable. I believe that what works best for you the busy doctor is just about enough and comprehensive information to adequately handle the business side of your practice without getting into too much detail that a large or lengthy book on the business of medicine would provide. The author Owen Dahl points out that most medical schools, while teaching students medicine, do not teach them how to start and manage a medical practice of their own. So unless a doctor makes his living working in a hospital, he...

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Book Review: Think Excellence

Author: Dr. Chaim Y. Botwinick Publisher: Brown Books Publishing Group. 130 pages Book Review by Ramu Nakliba The essence and strength of this book is the “nine power principles” that Dr. Botwinick introduces to the reader and elaborates on them. We have read numerous times that goal-setting is one of the most powerful tools a person has, to achieve their goals in life. Oftentimes, people do not succeed in achieving their larger and longer-term goals because those goals are not founded upon with smaller, shorter-term goals. Try making a long jump if you have never successfully made shorter jumps. Or if you are not physically fit, try running five miles without stopping if you have not recently run even a single mile without stopping, even at a slow pace. He says” focusing your attention on mega- or big-picture goals is the first step in targeting your power goals. This process is followed by breaking down your mega or big-picture goals into more finite goals, with greater levels of specificity and focus.” He elaborates on this by saying that your goals must be on TARGET, meaning: Timely, Attainable, Realistic, Guided, Enduring and Tangible. To attain excellence, the author elaborates on the other eight power principles, which are briefly: Refreshing your goals before starting on your journey; Understanding your weaknesses; Realizing the futility of being perfect because it is an enemy...

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