Author: Biz India

Book Review: Tough Calls From the Corner Office

Author: Harlan Steinbaum Publisher: Harper Collins. 271 Pages. Book Review by Ramu Nakliba This book is written by a former chairman of Express Scripts, a leading company in the area of benefits management. Harlan Stainbaum was also chairman and CEO of Medicare-Glaser, one of the largest chains of pharmacy retailers. It is based on conversations and communications with the heads of thirty-nine large US companies, so it is based on true-to-life, practical experiences of those who have been in the battlefields of business. How much real can one get? That is the true value of this very well-written and...

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Book Review: The Amazement Revolution

Author: Shep Hyken Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press. 212 pages Book Review by Sonu Chandiram This book outlines seven amazing strategies to create a great customer experience, and in the process of delivering excellent customer service, win customers over and retain them over the long term. He cites specific examples of how to treat the customer well from some 50 companies that value customers and provide great service. His list of examples are many smaller companies with fewer than 50 employees as well as many well-known corporate giants such as American Airlines, General Motors, IBM, Kraft, Marriott, Toyota, Verizon and others. Shep is an experienced speaker who delivers highly-engaging stories on customer service excellence and holds the unique distinction of being a Hall-of-Famer with the National Speakers Association. So what are his seven secrets to capturing the hearts of customers? 1. Membership: Treat your customers not as customers but almost as well as members of your family. 2. Serious FUN: Instill in your customers a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment that make them loyal to you. 3. Partnerships: Win them over by having them think of you as a partner, not just a vendor. 4. Hiring: Use innovative processes in hiring outstanding customer service representatives. 5. The After-Experience: Create a memorable experience after they did business with you. 6. Community: Develop evangelists among your customers who praise you to...

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Book Review: Story Branding – Creating Stand-Out Brands through the Power of Story

Author: Jim Signorelli Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press. 228 pages Book Review by Sonu Chandiram Have you ever noticed that when you start to read a narrative, you want to keep on reading till you know the ending and outcome of the conflict or the interaction between people or between a person and an animal or between a person and nature? But if you are reading a non-narrative piece of text, such as on ideas or events, you are not as interested to read further, or keep the book down and continue reading later? This is the force that story-telling has over us. And this is the very force that advertisers utilize in capturing our attention and holding on to it to get their messages across to us. Jim Signorelli discovered that in order to be different from other ad agency people, he had to find something that made clients perceive him and his advertising creativity in a new, unique way. He discovered that difference one day going about his activities in the typical life of an ad man, in the power of story-telling. He says: “stories have been and still are, one of the most persuasive tools in the arsenal of human communications….stories clothe truths by not getting in the way of truth. They get around our natural; to being sold to, by not pushing beliefs.” In other...

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Book Review: Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits: 4 Keys to Unlock Your Business Potential

Author: Greg Crabtree, with Beverly Blair Harzog Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group: 200 pages A Book Review by Sonu Chandiram This book is meant for owners of businesses with revenues from $1 to $5 million. Many such business owners get confused between revenue and profits. You can have a million dollars in revenues per year, but if you do not make a single dollar in net profit (this is determined after deducting all cost of goods and services and all expenses) you do not own a successful business. Such a business with zero profit, is of value only to the person who buys it from the existing owner, “turn it around” and makes a net profit. There are two views of profit. One view is what the owner takes from the business (part of the net profits) and the other view is what the owner takes from the business (or retains in the business) after taking a market-based (“fair” or “reasonable”) wage. Business owners want to pay the least in taxes. Owners of “S” corporations are able to achieve their goals of paying the least in taxes through basically two ways. First,m by spending money through their business as for legally-allowed –expenses, such as business trips or customer entertainment. The second way is to take as small as salary as they can bear, so they pay the least amount in...

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Book Review: Seeing Red Cars

Author: Laura Good rich Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 192 pages A Brief Book Review By Sonu Chandiram This delightful book written by Laura Goodrich uncovers some mysteries people experience and answers questions that crop up in our minds. For example, why is it that when we think something bad will happen, it does happen? Well before you do something, don’t you first think about it  So it is you that is causing things to happen, isn’t it? So it’s not that mysterious, after all! So if you want good things to happen to you, you must first ask yourself, what are some of those good things you want When you start thinking of, for example, accumulating silver coins and bullion ( a favorite item for collectors these days), do you think “I just do not have the extra cash to buy silver “? Or: “Maybe I will put aside $50 a week from my paycheck and buy silver coins or bars every now and then.” In case you have not yet read the world-renowned book The Secret,or watch its video version, it is an excellent book to read to get what you want. Believe in the saying by multimillionaire self-improvement guru T Harv Eker “Whatever you focus on, expands.” That includes good as well as bad things. Laura Goodrich’s book shows you how to build business teams that will focus...

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